

barkclan warrior

AGE 81 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS female (she/her)
ZODIAC ivy, full moon
PLAYED BY haitham
a small, limber tortoiseshell and white molly with ragged, fading fur and pale eyes.

She is smaller than most of her Clanmates, both in stature and bulk, and appears somewhat weaselly. Her ears are round and tufted like a bobcat's. She has two overlapping scars on her forehead from the Battle of the Stars. Her ragged, tufty coat was once vibrant, though it's faded somewhat due to stress. She often adorns her pelt with spanish moss. Her eyes are strange and virtually unpigmented; due to this, she cannot see comfortably in bright sunlight.


Cypressthorn can be a polarizing figure, both within BarkClan and outside of it; whether it's her personality or her track record, most cats probably have some conflicted opinion of her. Though she was certainly more lighthearted in her earlier years, she's always been a little bit prickly, as her name evokes. She can be easily aggravated, and though she keeps a level head in arguments, she is quick to sound harsh or condescending. She's sharp as a tack and well aware of it, a trait that can serve her well but does little to endear her to others. On the surface she is all business, unappreciative of distractions when she's focused on her work, and in that way she can be a bit of a damper on more gregarious cats. Though she is strict and stern, her actual morals fall far from the conservative ideal of her Clan - in most ways except regarding border politics, where her bitterness against MarrowClan shows its colors.

That's not to say there is nothing appealing about Cypressthorn, however, as much of her harsher exterior seems to have formed in reaction to her former responsibilities. She is fearful of making mistakes and being swayed by emotion, and coming off a chaotic deputyship where her every decision had far-reaching consequences, it is perhaps unsurprising that she struggles to let go of that worry. In more sociable contexts - when she allows herself to participate - she can be affable, with an abundant if dry sense of humor. She was once known for the lighthearted pranks and games she'd play with her friends, but it's difficult to encourage her more carefree side now; nonetheless it still exists, and those that know her well are more likely to see her as friendlier and brighter-spirited than she often appears.

Cypressthorn is a skilled and experienced warrior, most proficient in fighting and hunting larger prey; her stoat-like strategy for overrunning and overwhelming large opponents serves her well. She has also been known for her proficiency as a mentor; apprentices are most likely to experience the softest side of her, and her reputation is far better as a teacher than it is elsewhere. Though there's plenty bad to be said about her, no one could truthfully disparage her loyalty or sense of duty to BarkClan. She would do anything for her Clan, and resigned in shame with the knowledge that she could not properly serve them, willing to accept the lifelong disgrace for the sake of BarkClan's future.

Faith is a terribly touchy topic for Cypressthorn, especially in the wake of the Great Battle - she spurns any discussion of the daemons, going so far as to snub even the Celestial Bodies. She is bitterly antitheistic, feeling as though the Gods have failed her and finding Astron's shattering a shallow victory.


Born to Silverfrond and Littledawn, Cypresskit was quite spoiled as an only kit, though she seemed a bit lonely as the only kit in the nursery; this was rectified not long afterward, when Bramblefoot and Pondsong brought Laurelkit into the world. They were nigh inseparable from the first moment they interacted, and between them the nursery was full of love and anticipation. Their parents, all highly respected amongst their Clanmates in their own ways, felt certain that these two would be destined for equal status. They set out to butter up Plumstar, sure that she would soon see the same.

This seemed to work - no doubt in part due to Silverfrond's sister and BarkClan's long-trusted deputy, Goldenleaf, who would go on to become Cypresspaw's mentor. They got along well, Goldenleaf's stern professionalism quickly rubbing off on her apprentice. Cypresspaw showed great promise and her attitude improved significantly; by extension, this seemed to rub off on Laurelpaw, who was apprenticed to Plumstar's half-brother Bogwind. For a while, all was well in the small bubble Cypresspaw lived within.

The world was quick to remind her of its presence, however. The perpetual warmongering left few cats untouched by casualties, and soon Cypresspaw found herself to be one of the many. A particularly savage skirmish over Stars Fall resulted in a victory for BarkClan, though at the cost of several lives: Goldenleaf and Littledawn included. All at once everything shifted. Bogwind was appointed deputy; Cypresspaw was given to Silverfrond, an uncharacteristically impractical decision on Plumstar's part and a position Silverfrond was neither prepared nor willing to fulfill. Their relationship deteriorated. Cypresspaw threw herself into her training, though she had to look elsewhere for guidance. Often it was Bogwind who took her along for training sessions; he became a second father of sorts, and the closeness between she and Laurelpaw strengthened. Laurelpaw was going through their own trials, and the two shouldered each other through the troubles they faced.

Cypresspaw fell ill with whitecough the leafbare before her assessment. Though the oracles successfully treated the disease, she was left with lingering breathing troubles; this inclined Bogwind to delay her assessment, worried for her ability to withstand the thin air of the mountainside. This was a great disappointment to Silverfrond, but Cypresspaw was content to wait. Without another apprentice to partner with, she would've likely had to complete the assessment alongside her mentor, and by then her relationship with Silverfrond was in tatters. Instead, she served as Laurelpaw's partner. The two passed with flying colors, and Cypresspaw became Cypressthorn.

As a young warrior, Cypressthorn became close with a molly named Briskbreeze. The two were similar in many ways, though Briskbreeze was a little softer, a little more sly. It wasn't long before they became mates, and several moons later they would be wed. Though she'd hit significant stumbles up until that point, Cypressthorn was quite content with her life. However, the world still turned. Plumstar was aging, and Bogwind wasn't keen on the idea of leadership. In a startling flurry of events, he stepped down - and nominated Laureltuft before the Council, despite their youth. In what was certainly a show of nepotism, the Council came to an agreement. Laureltuft was unprepared for the role and already chafing with Plumstar's ideals. Cypressthorn became their shoulder to lean on, as she leaned on them when she lost her mother and mentor. Soon this support would be codified, as Plumstar finally surrendered her last life and the newly-named Laurelstar chose Cypressthorn as deputy.

Deputyship proved nightmarish for Cypressthorn, and the unprecedented catastrophes certainly didn't help matters. Her relationship with Briskbreeze grew strained as they all felt the pressure of imminent disaster. All the while, the stars threatened war between the Clans, showing indifference to BarkClan's struggles. Laurelstar and Hawkgaze were the only cats who could grapple with the stars, so Cypressthorn could only worry about the mortal threats. To her, it seemed clear MarrowClan intended to take advantage of their disarray, as they'd done many times before; Laurelstar was less concerned, but Briskbreeze in particular seemed utterly resistant to the idea. They quarreled often, and to Cypressthorn's horror, Briskbreeze finally admitted she intended to leave for MarrowClan. Cypressthorn was crushed and infuriated by the betrayal. She wondered if Briskbreeze intended to cause trouble from the other side, or if she'd known something. This only further heightened her worries, worries she pressed upon Laurelstar, desperate to avoid yet another disaster.

In the end, it proved a self-fulfilling prophecy. BarkClan's moves against MarrowClan consistently ended in failure, putting still more pressure onto the leadership. The stars proved fruitless, and after the avalanche that buried BarkClan's camp and took countless lives, Laurelstar admitted to her that a StarClan cat told them Astron turned their back on the Clans. Even Solis, BarkClan's beloved patron, did nothing to protect them. Cypressthorn grew jaded, angry. Laurelstar spoke of cats in some strange place called the Bright Grove, and soon Cypressthorn walked among them in her dreams. She learned there was a way to potentially strip Astron's power altogether. After seasons upon seasons of strife and suffering, loss and deception, Cypressthorn hoped that this would finally mean things would change. If the Gods would do nothing to help them, what use were they?

The results of the ritual that shattered Astron were nothing that she expected, too much and too little all at once. To her horror, Astron's death took Laurelstar's extra lives - in a life-or-death grapple with Plumstar's spirit, Laurelstar died and did not revive. And who came to end the Battle of the Stars but Solis and Lunae themselves, those who'd been silent for so long, only speaking up when it was almost too late. It was too late for Cypressthorn. They'd lost their dearest friend and were doomed to unwilling leadership in one fell swoop; the axis of the world had shifted, and yet everything was the same. They hadn't truly shattered anything, only replaced one leader with their successor.

It was all a waste.

Cypressthorn finally cracked. She stepped down from her position, much to the judgment and shame of many of her peers, including her father. Her failures hung about her neck like an albatross. After all her striving, she had nothing to show for it. She could only go back to being a warrior. And it has been a difficult shift for her, though she continues to take on the struggle with her head high. For all her shame, she will never let anyone see it.


  • parents: littledawn, silverfrond
  • aunt: goldenleaf
  • mentors: goldenleaf, silverfrond
  • apprentices: dusktooth, tytotalon, open
  • ex-wife: briskbreeze