- No god-modding or powerplaying.
Leave attacks open ended (for example, “He swung at her snout” instead of “He cut her snout with his claws”); and keep in mind your character is not invincible.
- Be at least semi-literate.
There is no requirement to write three paragraphs each reply, but try to at least write three or more sentences for your replies.
Please do not post joke replies to posts. Reaction emojis are fine, responding with a one sentence joke is not.
- We have gatherings and half moon meetings every two months, but we operate on liquid time.
You are free to liquid time threads before the current rollover moon.
Do not bother people if they are slow to reply, in server or in DMs. An occasional ask if they are still interested is fine, constantly asking when they will reply is not.
- Keep in mind in character is not out of character. Please do not take rude comments in character personally.
- Warriors typically retire between 100 and 120 moons.
- We do not allow massive age gaps between cats, incest, or mentor/apprentice relationships.
Apprentices can only date other apprentices.
Between warriors, the age gap is 15 moons max, with marriage and kits allowed at 20 moons earliest.
The gap increases to 40 moons once both cats are over 60 moons.
- We do not allow any sort of sexual content, sexual assault or sexual harassment to be roleplayed, period.
- When roleplaying out heavy topics (i.e. death or gore scenes), tag and add spoilers accordingly.
- If you are interested in a specific plot, please submit it officially through our Plot Suggestion Form.
This includes, but is not limited to: having kits, forbidden romances, murder, mutilation, leaving a Clan/changing Clans, or talking with StarClan/the Dark Forest/the Pantheon Gods. You may DM a mod to figure out details, but all plots need to be run through the form. This is not to discourage ideas, but for organization and planning purposes.
- When creating disabled characters (such as cats who are blind, deaf, or missing limbs), please be mindful of ableist tropes.
Disabled cats can become warriors, and should not be forced into roles such as oracle because of their disability. Disabled cats are not barred from being oracles, as long as they were not forced into the role because of their disability.
- When creating characters, please keep the setting in mind. Humans are not well known to the Clans, and have not been for centuries. Kittypets are rare due to the long and dangerous trek over the mountains.
The cats in the Clans are on a technological level most similar to ancient humans. They can weave things together, create fire, do basic medicine, and create simple traps, but they cannot do things like metalworking.
- Have fun with your design, but keep it semi-realistic.
Cats with glowing neon eyes, unnaturally coloured pelts (like bright green), unnaturally coloured eyes (like rainbow) or anything similar will not be allowed. Other than that, go wild!
We do not allow designs that are offensive to indigenous people; do not design or draw cats that fall under this category. This includes but is not limited to cats wearing feathers behind their ears, having “tribal” body paint, and specific types of clothing; though no types of clothing are allowed in designs.
- Non-traditional names are allowed, as long as they make sense for a parent to name their kit.
As long as they can feasibly know of that concept, then we allow it! This includes pretty much any animal or plant name, even if they are not native species in server (lion, tiger, and the like fall into this). Check the allegiances for examples of what names are allowed.
Cats can be renamed, just like in the books; however, please speak with the roleplayer of the Clan leader before doing so.
We allow any prefix to be used twice before it is also considered “banned”. These restricted prefixes are as follows: Hollow, Gilded, Lion, Hound.
The prefixes Star, Fox, Owl, Lamprey, Stoat, Asphodel, Sedge, Ivy, Sundew, Wolf, Bark, Marrow, and Zenith are not allowed. These are used for the Clans and the zodiacs in server. However, similar words (such as Tyto or Strix instead of Owl) to these are allowed.
- Loners and rogues will be allowed, but in limited quantities. We also limit apprentice and kit numbers occasionally.
Please contact a mod before making one.