

barkclan warrior

AGE 20 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS dfab nonbinary (they/them)
ZODIAC sundew, black moon
a small, freckled, albino lykoi with pinkish eyes, jagged claws and scattered scarring.


Gravewalker has always been the thoughtful sort, they're watchful by nature and take in everything around them. A simplified first assumption of Gravewalker would be that they're quiet and that they don't have much to say, but in reality, they often find that they say too much. Gravewalker is open, candid and honest but that honesty can sometimes be startling, especially if you don't know them very well. It's an honesty that's given without ill-intent, even if it can be harsh at times.

Gravewalker is kind by nature, they're giving and willing to compromise. They're empathetic and find it easy to relate to those around them, they try to help where they can. They are genuinely good in the most traditional sense of that word, with a belief that order and fairness is essential to living a happy life. However, they are extremely outspoken, especially against injustice. They don't believe in sitting idly by as someone is treated unfairly.

Gravewalker may be content to follow the rules or guidelines that they're so used to but they are far too stubborn to ever back down from an argument. Gravewalker is bull-headed and adverse to changing their trajectory, no matter what the cost of that stubbornness may be.

It could be said that there is a frustration about Gravewalker, a profound sadness that never seems to lift. They're prone to whiplash emotions and being overwhelmed with their situation. Gravewalker feels and Gravewalker feels often, they're not good at putting those feelings on the sidelines in favor of focusing on the tasks at hand.

Gravewalker is simply... not very good at hiding that something is wrong, no matter how hard they try. They struggle to deal with stressful situations and become anxious when things get hard. They're often so wrapped up in their own head that they can't find time to get anything done. This is not to say that they're lazy or uninterested but rather that their ability to focus is often hindered by their concern for their situation.

Gravewalker is cynical at times, the type to think the worst of a situation before that situation has come to its conclusion. They're skeptical of new things and often seem weary of the world and everything around them although this would probably not be your first impression of them.


Gravekit was born to Cloudynight and Hawkgaze alongside their two siblings in the midst of an avalanche that struck Barkclan. This avalanche was responsible for the death of their half-sibling Moonbeam, who they never came to know. Their first two moons of life were spent in Marrowclan’s camp, mostly confined to the nursery alongside Shrinekit and Spiritkit. However, they were always quite watchful and this made them eager to see what existed outside of their little sanctuary.

Gravekit was taken by the way that Marrowclan existed, interested in learning what they could about their borrowed home. Barkclan eventually left Marrowclan, and they would soon have to find their place in their own home. They were the curious sort from the start, eager to learn new things and see new sights. When they weren’t following their siblings around, they were striking out on their own in hopes of some grand adventure.

Eventually their peaceful life was disrupted by a rockslide that hit Barkclan, claiming the life of Cloudynight. Gravekit took the death of their mother badly, uncertain of what to do or what to say, but feeling responsible for making sure their siblings were handling it better than they were. The deterioration of Hawkgaze made this uncertainty worse, leaving them scrambling to find some kind of solid ground with the weight of grief.

Gravepaw moved into their apprenticeship with a renewed sense of vigor, eager to prove themself but without the backing support of their family, they often felt weird about it. They were a good warrior, at least in every technical way, but they were often distracted. A wandering mind and a tendency to get side-tracked made them hard to train at times. Eventually though, they were given their full name.

Gravewalker would take to warriorhood easily though… there’s still the sense that they can’t seem to find any peace in their position.


  • mothers: hawkgaze, cloudynight
  • siblings: moonbeam, shrinechaser, spiritwatcher