

barkclan monarch

AGE 51 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS trans tom (he/him)
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC sedge, full moon
a large fluffy calico and white tom with faint tabby markings and green dichroic eyes.


Some cats might call Houndbloom naive or soft. He is kind above anything else, especially to younger cats. His perception of the world is rose-colored, he has a hard time believing anyone is capable of evil, which leads him to be perhaps a bit too trusting towards others. Houndbloom makes friends very easily, even across borders. He is a pacifist, and stays out of clan disputes unless his help is completely necessary.

Houndbloom is always willing to help wherever necessary, whether it be on a hunting patrol or gathering herbs for the oracles. However, the place he enjoys spending most of his time is in the nursery. Houndbloom loves nothing more than telling stories to excited young kits, watching wonder spark in their eyes, or singing to them to help them sleep. Houndbloom only recently had a litter of his own, but he was always happy to give tired parents a break for a little while as he entertained the kits.


Born an only kit at the end of greenleaf, Houndkit was quick to open his eyes and get moving around Barkclan camp. His parents, Huckleberryshine and Morningbloom were proud of their eager son. It was clear that the little calico was full of life from the moment he let out his first cry. Both parents stalled their warrior duties to spend time with Houndkit after he had been born, the Barkclan nursery was filled with laughter and warmth.

That was until the Barkclan camp was struck by an avalanche when Houndkit was only a moon old. Huckleberryshine and Morningbloom fought tooth and claw to free their son from the rubble, however a boulder was dislodged as they dug, and both were crushed underneath it. Miraculously, Houndkit was found in a pocket of air several hours later. Houndbloom does not remember this event, nor does he remember anything about his parents, however those who knew them spoke highly of them and told Houndkit fond memories as he grew up.

Houndkit was left in the care of the other monarchs. His earliest memories are of moving back and forth between camps, and of trying to find games to play as the warriors of the clan worked on repairs. Houndkit tried to help where he could, moving tiny mouthfuls of twigs and pebbles out of camp until a monarch noticed and wrangled him back to safety.

Houndpaw wasn't a particularly gifted apprentice. His mentor had a difficult time getting him to focus on just one task, Houndpaw wanted to do everything! He loved hunting, but he also loved identifying herbs and learning about Starclan. Maybe he should be an Oracle, he thought. He loved protecting the clan from predators but he also loved telling jokes to the kits in the nursery. Maybe he should help out more in the nursery, he thought.

The one thing Houndpaw truly did not like was confrontation with Marrowclan. He avoided it when possible, but he also understood that there might come a day where he would have to fight them to protect his clan. Houndpaw made many friends with Marrowclan cats- one of his favorite things to do at gatherings was to meet new faces and hear everyone's stories- the thought of one-day having to fight them scared him.

Houndpaw grew fast. By the time he became a warrior (named Houndbloom, after his parent Morningbloom) he was broad and muscular, though his body was hidden by a thick layer of shaggy fur. Houndbloom preformed his warrior duties well, however he much preferred to spend his time helping out in the nursery where needed. It wasn't long into warriorhood that he decided the life of a monarch was better suited for him. He would return to help with hunting and patrols when needed, or when the nursery wasn't as full of kits, but Houndbloom found much more fulfillment helping the clan in other ways.

[TW: Miscarriage]

Houndbloom was overjoyed when discovered he was pregnant with his first litter. After moons of helping others with their kits, Houndbloom was beyond excited to have his own; however only a half a moon before they were due, Houndbloom became sick and suffered a miscarriage. He grieved for his kits for moons to come, even in the present thinking about the cats they could have grown to be. He named them Sunkit and Juniperkit, his little stars.

After recovering, Houndbloom returned to warrior duties for a little while, needing a bit of space from the nursery. He returned to being a warrior just in time to participate in the Battle of the Stars. Houndbloom fought defensively, recognizing that after moons without training he was little match for cats who had spent their whole lives plus some training to kill. By some miracle, the only injury he obtained was a torn ear.

Houndbloom remained a warrior for the following moons as the clan recovered, however he returned to being a monarch when he became pregnant with his second litter. The three kits, Dahliakit, Primrosekit, and Mallowkit, were born happy and healthy at the end of Greenleaf.


  • parents: huckleberryshine, morningbloom
  • kits: sunkit, juniperkit, dahliakit, primrosekit, mallowkit