

barkclan warrior

AGE 48 moons
ZODIAC ivy, full moon
an average sized tortoiseshell tom with scarred skin and slate hazel eyes.


An introverted soul who fixates too much on the ‘why’ to ever understand the ‘what’. Upon first glance, Jerichowilt can be described as a typical unfriendly feline who packs a snarkiness behind his words whether deliberately or not and caters to a more aggressive and pessimistic worldview. He is very much a left-brained individual, though he tries to use his right. He has no problems vocalizing his thoughts and saying no, but in reality his intentions aren’t entirely just for the sake of keeping up an edgy image. His anger comes from within himself, aimed at himself, but wrongfully manifests as vilification of others, their ideas and their creations thanks to a lack of any other venting method. He’s known for overcompensating, such as showing up to events way too early or taking hours to account for his appearance before an event.

Jerichowilt has got an opinion on all things, no matter how obscure, and likes to consider himself to be very stern and rigorous. In reality, he’s not as severe as he tries to make himself seem and fails to follow the careful plans and regimens he spends a lot of time making because they end up working against his goals. He’s the type of guy to plan things in so much detail that trying to follow every single rule actually ends up working against him and leads him to failure in the end.

He dabbles in plant care and conservation, or at least he attempts to, because he has an unfortunate case of black thumb that kills any plant he touches. He tries his best to live up to his Clan's expectations, never wanting to be the weakest link.


Jerichokit and Parsleykit were two peas in a pod, very loving brothers born to two respected senior warriors of BarkClan: Meadowdust and Carrionbite. Jerichokit was the elder, and Parsleykit the weak and sickly runt, but the differences in health did not affect their relationship. Jerichokit was fiercely protective of his baby brother and was the main source of his emotional affection since their parents were more preoccupied with raising worthy BarkClan warriors than raising sons. While their parents taught them the Code and the rules that the Clan of the sun lived by, Jerichokit and Parsleykit found enjoyment in each other as brothers who goofed off. Other cats who tried to pick on Parsleykit or look down on him were met by the fierce tongue of Jerichokit, who wouldn't allow any such bad-mouthing.

Though there was an obvious rift between himself and his parents, Jerichokit had a small, close-knit friend group and his brother to rely on, so he wasn't overly bitter about his young life. Parsleykit's sickness confined him to the oracle's den and prevented him from sharing an apprentice ceremony with his brother which saddened the elder sibling greatly, but he vowed to train to the best of his ability and help the oracle nurse him back to health. While training, Jerichopaw spent a lot of time in the oracle's den and out running errands for the oracles at the time in hopes that his contributions would help Parsleykit. But his condition kept getting worse and worse until one morning, Jerichopaw and his parents were given the grim news that the sickness ended up taking the young cat's life.

Thus started Jerichopaw's spiral. That kitten was the one cat Jerichopaw loved most in the world, and now he was gone, passed with his kind smile even though he never had a chance at a proper life. And what did his parents do? They started talking about having another litter. It infuriated him, and so, Jerichopaw grew better and aggressive towards his parents and eventually his peers. BarkClan's communal mentality started to get on his nerves, how they praised cats such as his parents and their devotion to the whole of the Clan.

As if his growing resentment was sensed, Jerichopaw was also approached by the Dark Forest during this time and enlisted into their war. He trained ferociously among them, at first showing promise as a killer. His battle style was downright brutal: he was not afraid of blood or maiming his opponents. He emerged every night with new scars to show off proudly. However... When the moment of truth came, he was never able to actually administer a killing blow. It earned him mockery from the more serious Dark Forest trainees, that he was too soft for this war. And back in BarkClan, his ferocity and hissing tongue was earning him a delayed warrior ceremony as his seniors looked down on him for not being soft enough.

So where did he belong?

Jerichopaw self isolated a lot during this time, growing more bitter and resentful towards BarkClan, StarClan, the world.

He would finally earn his warrior name when he defended his Clan's border fiercely during a border skirmish. He showed amazing battle prowess when the odds were numbered against him, and the leader saw that as enough to give him a suffix after he'd been delayed for so long. Truthfully, Jerichopaw was fighting for his friend Dusktooth and not his Clan... But a suffix was a suffix.

Jerichowilt went on to carry out minor deeds for the Dark Forest, for as much as he came to hate them as well, they allowed him a crucial source to vent his frustrations. He teetered on a dangerous edge between light and dark, always threatening to fall into darkness and if it weren't for his only friend, Dusktooth, he might have actually joined in on killing Astron, letting his fury and sadness consume him.


  • parents: meadowdust, carrionbite
  • sibling: parsleykit
  • mentor: curlewtail