
barkclan deputy

AGE 36 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS cis tom (he/him)
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC asphodel, waxing moon
PLAYED BY jaykay
Fog grey, thick fur, with jagged black stripes and a stark white underbelly, his hooded eyes, a dark honey, set deep in their sockets and complimented by a dusky pink nose. This large tom walks with his head held high and chest out in a stride of confidence.


Protective and stalwart of his clan, and quick to respond with snark and sass. Lightningtongue is known for his quick response times with both his mouth and paws. If there is trouble he is often the first to arrive and the last to leave, regularly fighting to his own detriment if he thinks he can save even one cat.


Lightningtongue was born in the early Newleaf to Whitebelly and Sootstripe, his only sibling being his brother, Littleleaf. His father died in one of the many skirmishes for Star's Fall when he was still in the nursery, and as an apprentice Lightningtongue strived to follow in the paw prints of his father, living his life in the way he thinks would make him proud. His mother, frail and often sickly, decided to retire from her position as a queen and became an elder not too long after he was apprenticed. Not often seen in the camp due to her being immunocompromised she wasn't there when became a warrior, though he regularly visits the elders to see her and check on her health. In his later moons as a student and then a younger warrior, his pride often led him to the receiving end of a trip to the oracle cat den. The tom's resilient nature stays with him to this day. As the newest deputy of Barkclan he does what needs to be done to keep his clan thriving.


  • parents: sootstripe, whitebelly
  • sibling: littleleaf
  • mentor: foxmist
  • apprentice: otterfrost