

barkclan warrior

AGE 68 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS tom (he/him)
SEXUALITY homosexual
ZODIAC ivy, full moon
a large, muscular, battle-scarred chimera somali tom with ashen markings and a pale green eye.


Singestrike is a brutally honest cat who doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind which often causes him to come off as mean or uncaring about the feelings of others. He doesn’t often seem worried with the sensitivities of the cats who wind up on the receiving end of his honesty. He’s not quite a talker however, often keeps his mouth shut unless he sees a reason not to. He’s intelligent and calculating, quick to figure things out and quick to work through problems.

He’s also quite brash, willing to rush into things in a way that can come off as very brave or very stupid. He’s often destructive in his desire to win or prove a point. He’s prone to long-term grudges when someone crosses him wrong, failing to ever see them the same way. He’s also somewhat bossy, tending to act a bit dictator-like when given positions of power. He wants things done a certain way and he’s not afraid to point that out which causes him to come off as judgemental.

He’s very loyal, tending to dedicate himself to those he cares about. He embodies the phrase “willing to die for” when he loves someone. He’s quite kind, tending to people he cares about. He tries to guide those that are younger than him and he frets over them in a way that borders on being motherly. His snark is good-natured, playful and not mean-spirited. He likes to riff with similar-minded people and gets especially like this during play-fights.

He is sometimes hypocritical to an extent that borders onto being funny. What he instructs others not to do will oftentimes be exactly what he does himself. He’s extremely arrogant with a little bit of an inflated ego. His history of winning fights has made him see himself as infallible at times, willing to take on any opponent although he’s not so arrogant that he will willingly jump into a fight he knows he’ll lose. He’s prone to depression and he’s quite afraid of being abandoned, his greatest fear is perhaps being alone. He’s extremely morally driven and fairly empathetic.



Singekit was born to two Barkclan warriors who had not had much luck with prior litters. He was born with one sibling who they named Petalkit.

Their birth was considered to be a sign of good fortune by Redfeather, at first. Singekit and Petalkit were sickly from the get-go, prone to falling underweight and needing an extra push to catch up with the kittens around them.

Singekit was like most kittens in most ways, he was headstrong and he was curious although he had one peculiarity about him. Singekit was prone to seizures and this made it hard for him to grow as quickly as some of his denmates. He was closely monitored by the oracles throughout his youngest years although he grew stronger as he grew older. Petalkit was not so lucky, many cats could tell she was fading fast and Redfeather had grown weary of this.

Singepaw was eager to prove himself throughout his apprenticeship and spent much of his time trying to show his fellow apprentices just how tough he could be. Though the seizures had become more sparse, they still continued when triggered and this sometimes made life frustrating for the young cat but he never gave up.

However, tragedy would strike when Petalpaw would finally succumb to her ill-health. This would send his father into a rage which caused him to push Singepaw even harder to catch up with his denmates.

Singestrike became a warrior before he knew it and it was perhaps his greatest achievement. He very rarely has seizures anymore but they do sometimes occur. He has refused to let this slow him down or stop him from completing his duties.


  • parents: frostbloom, redfeather
  • sibling: petalpaw