

barkclan leader

AGE 48 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS molly, she/her
ZODIAC wolf's bane, blood moon
a tall, elegant tabby cat.

The majority of her fur is short, though a mane-like area around her throat and the fur of her tail are both much longer. The base of her coat is a creamy gray, but darker blue-gray marks her fur. Her neck and tail are both entirely blue-gray, and her feet fade down to nearly black. Her ears are abnormally long, and tufted, and her eyes are yellow bordering on orange.


As a young cat, Tidestar was loud, cheerful, and quite a sunbeam personality-wise. She is now, however, much quieter, and seems to hold a melancholic air about her at times. However, she is more than reliable, and quite certainly the cat to speak to if something needs to be done, as more often than not, she will do it without question, or even comment. She is overwhelmingly hardworking, and strives to achieve perfection, though this seems to only stress her out. It does seem as though she’s trying to open up, and where there have been long periods in her life in which she’s been totally silent, she’s begun to revert slightly back to the sociable cat she once was. Where it seems she has moments of total, cold uncaring, she’ll often correct herself, as though attempting to be more understanding. It is rare for Tidestar to speak loudly, though when she wishes to, her presence is undeniably commanding– even if in the moments before she speaks, uncertainty can be observed.


WIP; please refer to timeline for exact actions


  • parents: gracklechirp, ???
  • sibling: wavepaw
  • mentor: eclipseshadow
  • apprentice: twistleap
  • friends: tinytitan
  • enemies: campionstar, tytotalon