

barkclan warrior

AGE 30 moons
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC fox, black moon
Tuitskull is a solid black she-cat with strange white facial markings and deep red eyes. She is slender in build and has sharper features, along with tufts of longer fur in some places.


+ Cunning + Determined + Crafty +

Tuitskull always finds a way to get what she wants, or accomplish what she must. There is very little that can keep her from this goal, even if it means using more unorthodox means to do so. She makes use of what she has on hand to accomplish these things too, often finding solutions when others may seem hopeless.

= Facetious = Unbothered = Sly =

Tuitskull is exemplar at hiding what she doesn't want others to see or find out. She always puts on a façade for her peers, allowing herself to be seen as a fun and pleasant individual. Due to her ability to manipulate others' perceptions, she is almost always on their good sides. It makes her very easily likeable.

- Vengeful - Cruel - Cunning -

Tuitskull feels largely unbothered by her own actions, including breaking the Warrior Code. She's focused solely on uprooting BarkClan in any way she can, even if this means getting blood on her paws to get there. She has little mercy when it comes to those she despises, and values herself over anyone else.


Tuitskull was born into a less fortunate situation in BarkClan, to a mother named Shriketalon. Tuitskull and her sibling, Dotterelkit, experienced very little affection from their mother. Shriketalon was always focused on her own sibling, her brother Larksong.

Shriketalon hated her brother, as he had everything she envied — a partner who loved him, most importantly. Tuitkit and Dotterelkit were born to a rogue father, one who had ran off after Shriketalon had given birth. Having to see Larksong every single day infuriated Shriketalon, and one day when her kits were still young, she snapped.

Shriketalon lured her brother to the edge of the Petrified Forest, shoving him off of a small hill and impaling him on a splintered tree trunk. She wasn't subtle about her crime, and was soon exiled from BarkClan by Laurelstar. Tuitkit and Dotterelkit stayed behind, tended to by the queens of BarkClan. No one ever told them why their mother was suddenly gone, and they questioned why that was until they became of age to be named apprentices.

Tuitpaw and Dotterelpaw took to apprenticeship well — while Dotterelpaw seemed to be the gentler sibling by taking interest in being an oracle, Tuitpaw was passionate to fight. She wanted to learn how to be strong. Strong so she could go and find her mother. Apprenticed to Tinytitan, she grew stronger and more skilled until she finally could enact her plan.

Tuitpaw and Dotterelpaw, armed with enough knowledge to make the decision for themselves, decided to set out from BarkClan and look for their mother. As BarkClan was determined to hide her crimes from her children, neither of them knew why she had been cast out. They spent many nights searching for her, until finally they found her.

By now, Shriketalon had some gray spotting her muzzle — after spending moons out as a loner, killing cats for food or territory had taken its toll. Tuitpaw only had enough time with her to hear the true story, although it was tainted with her mother's hatred for BarkClan.

Sharing this same hatred, Tuitskull refused to return to BarkClan, soon adapting to the loner life herself. She began to be plagued with dreams of her own mother, shrouded in darkness — she knew Shriketalon had likely been sent to the Place of No Stars, but... Tuitpaw wasn't sure why she kept seeing her. It was like she was being haunted, not by the cats Tuitpaw had killed as a loner, but by her own mother's restless spirit.

As days passed, Tuitpaw began to share her mother's goal. Her mother redirected her anger and bitterness from her childhood towards BarkClan, blaming them for taking her from her kits too soon. With a desire for revenge, Tuitpaw set off on the journey back to BarkClan, determined to crumble it from the inside.

Shriketalon, upon hearing her other child Dotterelpaw had no interest in being a warrior, demanded for Tuitpaw to kill them. Unable to bring herself to kill her sibling, Tuitpaw simply left them in the wilderness, alone, while they were sleeping. She hasn't seen them since.

Taking the name Tuitskull, she returned to BarkClan, keeping up the façade of kindness and thankfulness at being re-accepted into the clan. In an attempt to upset the balance of power, Tuitskull got herself close to Cypressthorn, the deputy at the time. Frustrated that Cypressthorn stepped down before becoming leader, Tuitskull only worked harder to try and sow discord in the clan.

Tuitskull still keeps their outward demeanor fun-loving, and often even seems harmless to her fellow clan members. Very few can see through it, as she has taken great care to hide her anger. Almost every bone in her body hates BarkClan for 'wrongly' tossing her mother out to die. She will not believe anyone who tells her any different.


  • mother: shriketalon
  • sibling: dotterelpaw