

barkclan warrior

AGE 25 moons
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC wolf, blood moon
PLAYED BY ephraim
a lithe black and white chimera with markings similar to a barn owl.

Tytotalon is a taller than average but lithe tom with a thick coat that is well taken care of. His tail is shorter than usual, and his face is very soft and rounded. A clean line splits the chimera's coat, with one side looking akin to a general barn owl, and the other looking akin to a melanistic barn owl. He looks much more put together than his twin, with a lack of scarring and a more regal look to him. He has dark brown eyes.


Tytotalon is a “quietly noble” cat, overall: calm, collected, smart, quiet. While he has an air of importance to him, he is not one to brag about his accomplishments or abilities. He is absolutely dedicated to his position in the Clan, no matter what it may be, and the perception that he is a proper Owl Zodiac due to his markings, which he excels at; however, he can be rather strict when it comes to rules and punishments. He feels as though the Warrior Code is something extremely important to follow – though he carves out exceptions for himself. However, he does not speak out of line, and instead prefers to be a quiet “right hand man” to authority.

Despite his extremely convincing outward appearances, Tytotalon is secretly a very vain, violent, spiteful, and jealous cat. He is not one to ever forgive or forget, as seen with his resentment towards BarkClan’s leadership and Campionstar. He does view himself as better than most other cats in his Clan, as well as better than MarrowClan and ZenithClan cats alike. The perception that he was akin to Owlmask is something he thinks of as his destiny, for better and for worse; he has a founder to live up to, to be like, and that can be overwhelming and an ego booster all at once.

Tytotalon feels the need to be the best at everything he does, and is very hesitant to ever try anything he knows he doesn’t immediately excel at. He truly believes in “an eye for an eye” type of punishment and that the ends justify the means (and believes the Warrior Code supports him in this). He thinks of his former mentor Cypressthorn as weak for stepping down in the face of becoming leader, and believes there should be some form of punishment to fit the crime of weakening the Clan. Sometimes his more violent tendencies come out during battle, where he can be rather brutal in his attacks.

His confidence in living up to what he’s supposed to is beginning to crack under pressure, however. With the reincarnations of the founders, his true Zodiac apparently being Wolf, and the death of Astron seemingly being the right decision, Tytotalon has quite a bit of doubt in himself to brush over. He still has a perfect mask to wear, but he fears it slipping soon should more of his supposed destiny crumble around him.

Tytotalon is a very intelligent cat, however, and knows to keep any negative aspects of himself under wraps. While he is undoubtedly a talented fighter and hunter, if he were open about his flaws, he would likely not even be considered for any authority. He considers hiding his true colours not as deception, but instead living up to how a proper warrior is – humble, witty, intelligent.


Tytotalon was born to Lunarpool and Cometshard. They were named after his looks, being very similar in appearance to a barn owl. Despite his appearance and being born into BarkClan where, in theory, he would never climb the ranks, his parents took him to be a good omen and raised him well. He was taught from a young age that he was destined for greatness; thus, Tytotalon knew he had to work even hard to prove himself. He acted as the model Owl zodiac, thus the comparisons from his parents to Owlmask; this gave him a bit of a complex, both making his ego high, but the weight of those expectations higher. His parents instilled in him the idea that, perhaps, he was Owlmask’s true incarnation, meant to shepard in a new era of prosperity for BarkClan, proving they were superior to MarrowClan.

As an apprentice, Tytotalon was a prodigy. He was given Cypressthorn as a mentor, and he worked hard to live up to how he was viewed by his parents and his mentor; he was aware Cypressthorn rarely would train an animal zodiac, so he knew she viewed him as exemplary. He especially excelled in fighting and hunting, which was looked upon favourably, especially when MarrowClan was consistently attacking BarkClan. More traditionalist cats within BarkClan used him as a dig at MarrowClan – a model Owl being perfectly loyal to BarkClan – thus, willing to entertain his idea of being Owlmask’s reincarnation as a way to steer him further against their enemies. Tytotalon worked extremely hard to try to live up to his Clan’s expectations, favouring intelligence and agility over other qualities. His fighting and hunting style was about outwitting the other and using speed to wear them down, rather than using brute strength. He was given his warrior name early, and gained the suffix -talon due to his quick strikes and long claws, akin to an owl swooping down at its prey.

After getting his full name and becoming a warrior, another fight between MarrowClan and BarkClan broke out, and his mother, Cometshard was killed in the ensuing battle. Tytotalon kept his sorrow to himself, though he couldn’t help but feel anger towards Laurelstar for allowing this to happen. He truly believed Laurelstar needed to take even more drastic action against MarrowClan to punish them for killing so many of their Clanmates. The Falls be damned; this was a matter of justice, especially as her killer was MarrowClan’s leader – then deputy – Campionstar. He fought alongside StarClan during the Battle of the Stars, and is suspicious about BarkClan’s leadership at the time fighting against StarClan. His father, Lunarpool, was killed by Dark Forest warriors during this battle.

Despite the opinion that he – an animal sign –should be allowed into BarkClan’s leadership, he otherwise has very traditionalist views; he views They Who Are No More favourably, and sees the “Wolf'' zodiac as fake (though this is mainly to avoid a blow to his ego; he knows, deep down, he is incorrect). He views himself as an Owl, not a Wolf by any means, and will never refer to himself as anything but an Owl. He also views ZenithClan as heretics who are due for punishment from Solis and Lunae. He has no negative views of the new Gods, and is simply neutral on them.

Tytotalon still acts as a noble warrior, striving to be considered still for deputy, though his confidence in his so-called destiny is starting to wane, even if he will never admit it aloud.


  • parents: cometshard, lunarpool
  • mentor: cypressthorn