

zenithclan deputy

AGE 25 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS dfab tom (he/they)
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC sedge, half moon
PATRON delphine
PLAYED BY pepper
a tall, sandy-furred tabby.

Various shades of blonde, orange, and tan adorn his pelt. The fur of his mane, underbelly, and paws is primarily snowy white in color. Swathes of black swirl atop his entire frame, concentrating mostly across his back and within the curls of his main and tail. His eyes are a pale blue, with dark rings spiraling within his iris. Beneath the delicately curled shroud of his fur lies a lithe, unscarred frame.


Elysiumtrance is a friendly, outgoing cat. He is generally pleasant towards all that he comes across, maintaining an air of easy affability. Conflict is something he’d like to avoid, and although this isn’t always possible, the aggression he might be met with is hardly ever returned, at least in terms of spoken word. Should he ever find the need to brandish his claws, he will not hesitate to do so. This amiability can make him seem a bit airheaded at times, however, and on occasion, he truly does fit this description, but he always maintains a keen sense of intelligence and cunning about him. It cannot be said that he is overly fond of tending to all of the duties that Clan life calls for — his youth proved as much — but he does what is expected of him. His position as deputy demands that he maintains an upstanding sense of responsibility, no matter how much chagrin this sometimes brings him. On the rare chance that he can shirk his responsibilities, or get by with doing the bare minimum, he is eager to do so.

He holds a strong sense of wonder for the world and all it holds, and is always eager to learn something new, no matter how insignificant it may seem; the gods in particular stir up the most of his intrigue. He has flourished into an exceptionally observant cat because of this. It is not uncommon for him to pester those who he believes to know something he does not, be they friend or foe. His thirst for knowledge seems near unquenchable at times, sometimes to the point of rudeness or inconsideration. He generally tries to reel this behavior back on his own, but he does need the occasional intervention from time-to-time. Despite his never-ending quest for wisdom, it is quite rare for him to share any of his more significant findings.

Beneath his pleasant exterior lies a cat who retains more sorrow and bitterness than one might assume. That isn’t to say that his outward demeanor is a farce, but he is not without his solemn moments. The nature of his upbringing has left him with some grudges, both towards those who have failed him and the unfairness that can be found within the world. He can occasionally be quite selfish too, though this, much like his other less pleasant emotions, is rarely expressed to or witnessed by others.


(TW for parental neglect and minor descriptions of kit death)

Born to Flurrybreeze and Copperthorn, two warriors of MarrowClan, Elysiumkit’s birth should have been seen as nothing short of a miracle. He and his siblings, Marmotkit and Quailkit, had been born feeble and sickly. The latter kits didn’t even manage to survive past the night, and so the couple’s remaining kit was named in their honor, in the hopes that they may find peace within StarClan.

As their miracle child grew, however, Flurrybreeze and Copperthorn began to view him as anything but. That their kit had been born under a plant sign was displeasing to the pair, but it was something that they could tolerate, at least in the beginning. This ill quality that resided within their son was only the first of many issues that they took with him, however. As Elysiumkit grew into apprenticehood, his behaviors began to irk them. He did not excel where they wished him to, did not focus on what they hoped he would. Elysiumpaw would spend many a lesson asking his mentor, Stratuschaser, about this and that. His duties were often ignored in favor of scampering off to the elder’s den, delightfully inquiring after myths and history alike. He hardly seemed the ideal warrior in his parents’ eyes, and although he eventually earned his full name under Stratuschaser’s patient guidance, he had not proven himself to be enough. He could not prove himself to be enough.

Elysiumtrance had grown into a cat that was unwanted by those who had raised him. Each member of the family knew this, though it remained unsaid. The relationship between the young tom and his parents was distant at best, though they all maintained contact with each other.

Elysiumtrance’s first few moons as a warrior were fairly unremarkable. Having been saddled with more responsibility, he eventually became something of a helpful member of MarrowClan. This improvement in performance led to him receiving an apprentice by the name of Lilypaw. His teachings left something to be desired at times, given how his interests often lied elsewhere, but the young cat managed to earn his full name, Lilystep, without much delay or complaint.

Around this time, his parents had announced the expectation of another litter. Pebblekit, Flutterkit, and Arcadiakit soon entered the world, tragically meeting a fate similar to that of the litter that preceded them. Pebblekit and Flutterkit succumbed to illness, and Arcadiakit was named in their honor. Unlike their surviving sibling, Arcadiakit was born beneath the owl zodiac. This was greatly celebrated by Flurrybreeze and Copperthorn, as was the progression of their life. Arcadiapaw, then Arcadiabloom, had grown exactly as they’d hoped Elysiumtrance would have. They were a promising young warrior, whose attention did not constantly wander to frivolous things. The difference between the two siblings was stark and ever-present.

Elysiumtrance grew bitter towards this, amongst other things. He was bitter, that his parents had denied him a love that they were so capable of giving. He was bitter, that Arcadiabloom had flourished where he had not. He was bitter, that MarrowClan had allowed an environment where the time of one’s birth could be turned against them so cruelly.

It was this bitterness, this displeasure with the way his world worked that so easily led him to follow in Seraphimflame’s pawsteps. It was this bitterness that raised his voice, speaking out strongly to the gathered cats when he could. As ZenithClan began to blossom in full, Elysiumtrance bore a passion not before seen within him, outside of his delves into mythology. This was his chance to help right some of the wrongs that plagued the Clans, to help rectify the injustices that clutched the world. To help draw him closer to his beloved Gods than ever before. And as Seraphimflame called his name, posed against the backdrop of a paraselene, Elysiumtrance knew that he’d been granted some semblance of success.


  • parents: flurrybreeze, copperthorn
  • siblings: arcadiabloom, ⵜmarmotkit, ⵜquailkit, ⵜpebblekit, ⵜflutterkit
  • mentor: stratuschaser
  • apprentice: lilystep