

zenithclan apprentice

AGE 7 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS dfab male (he/him)
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC lamprey, black moon
MENTOR gildedwing
a small, narrow, burnished gold lynx-point tom with green-blue eyes.


Honeypaw is... a complicated young cat who's quite a bit rude by nature. He does not seem entirely aware that he's rude, he just seems to do and say things that often offend other cats. Honeypaw is someone who struggles to feel understood, often feeling misplaced in his personal life and situations. Honeypaw is unapologetic despite this feeling of being misplaced, he rarely overthinks, he rarely gets tangled in his own head.

Honeypaw is almost single-mindedly dedicated to the goal of being important somehow, he spends much of his time trying to dream up ways to stand outside of his peers. He is unnervingly willing to crush whoever stands in the way of this goal, unbothered by whatever carnage he leaves in his wake. Honeypaw is manipulative in many ways, the kind of person who tries to twist others to suit himself. While he does not seem to actively try to hurt anyone, cats are often hurt by his actions anyway.

Honeypaw's better qualities fall into a sweet, good-natured goofiness. He likes to joke around, playfully making light of his problems or jokingly bullying his friends. He can sometimes come off as a little too mean or insensitive but it's usually clear that he means most things in jest. He makes friends easily despite his rough demeanor, the type of cat who just seems to pull people into his "gravitational field", winding up with ragtag groups of cats that seem to find him mostly endearing.

Honeypaw often feels that he is deserving of one thing or another. Honeypaw does not take "no" well, especially when the "no" is given by figures of authority. Honeypaw is the type to try to strike out on his own, preferring independence over following a leader or a mentor.

In general, Honeypaw has very little regard for anyone above him. He seems to think he could do their job as well as they can. This outlook has very often lead him into trouble, causing problems in his day to day life with patrols and assignments. Honeypaw is also often self-pitying, tending to take inconveniences quite personally. As soon as something goes wrong, Honeypaw tends to fear for the worst.


Honeypaw was born just off of Zenithclan territory to a pair of rogues. His relationship with his parents was not ideal, to the point where he doesn’t seem eager to talk about them at all. It’s no wonder that he seems to have separated from this so early and of his own accord. He proclaims to have lived on his own for at least a moon before finding the Zenithclan border.

He became fascinated upon meeting a patrol and decided to join them, quickly taking to the life of a warrior apprentice. Although just as quickly as he joined Zenithclan and started training with them, they quickly became quite familiar with his seemingly never ending antics and temper tantrums.

If he isn't starting some kind of brawl out on training expeditions, he is arguing every little detail of everything with anyone who gives him the time of day. However, despite this penchant for trouble, he excels in most of his tasks.


  • parents: lichen, whisker