

zenithclan warrior

AGE 16 moons
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC wolf, blood moon
a solid black cat with a brown undercoat.

Their left eye is obscured by a woven eye patch, and their right eye is a brilliant blue. A large gash extends across their left eye, leaving it cloudy and damaged. They are small for their age, only slightly larger than an apprentice, but slightly stocky. Their fur is slightly fluffy, making them look slightly larger.


+ Loyal + Prideful + Hardworking +

Sharkscar is extremely proud of their status as a warrior, and takes it very seriously. They will not tolerate any slight to that, either verbal or physical. Despite their passion for their warrior duties, and their loyalty to ZenithClan, they will always stand closest to those they care about, even against StarClan, if need be. Sharkscar is a great listener, as well as a cat who would never leave someone behind. They would die before letting someone fall behind, or letting someone get hurt.

= Stubborn = Intense = Cagey =

Sharkscar is least likely to change their mind once they're set on something, although more often than not this happens with moral quarrels. They would never cement their stance without knowing all the facts, but with something they believe in spiritually or morally, they would. This often leads to strife between them and those close to them. Sharkscar refuses to allow themselves to be seen as 'weak'. They reject all opportunities to let someone else in to help them deal with anything from grief to anger, instead choosing to be the 'rock' for others who need it.

- Vicious - Callous - Cold -

Sharkscar has difficulty feeling sympathy for those around them, unless they are particularly special to them, leading to their demeanor seeming very unapproachable and even off-putting. In battle, they show no mercy, and despite the Warrior Code, Sharkscar is heavily indifferent to killing cats in battle. As Sharkscar lacks social tact and often seems dismissive and angry in conversations, even when they may be the direct opposite. It is quite hard for others to get close to them, as most are put off early by their cold attitude. This is what has kept them from having any meaningful relationships thus far.


Sharkscar was born into MarrowClan, to a mother named Lakefeather. In the early beginnings of Sharkscar's life, their mother regaled them with tales of a pantheon of gods, each ruling over their own aspect in life. They would often daydream about these deities, eager to follow their mother along to the shrine once they were old enough. Despite not understanding much of it yet, Sharkscar never fully understood why the other cats of MarrowClan gave their mother strange looks. Lakefeather would often say she was blessed by the goddess Ceti, giving her a beautiful kit.

During Sharkscar's apprenticeship, they were often teased by bigger cats for being so small. They never grew much after hitting their apprenticeship, and even adult cats took notice of it. Despite Sharkscar's small size, their passion for being a warrior carried them into success.

Sharkscar had only one friend as an apprentice, a cat named Houndpaw (later Houndtooth). The two became inseparable, even with their size difference. Sharkscar always wanted to spar with Houndpaw, determined to prove that they were just as capable as the biggest apprentice in the clan.

Even though Sharkscar loved and trusted their mother, that was the only person they had learned to trust besides Houndtooth. They learned early on that the key was to not care about what their peers said, leading them to be particularly antisocial and cold to their peers. On one of their trips to their mother's shrine, they encountered an angry badger that managed to injure their eye before Lakefeather could chase it off. It took many weeks for it to heal enough for them to reopen their eye once again.

Sharkscar was not only socially outcast due to their own personality, but because of their mother's spirituality, and their own. While Lakefeather often told of the Calamities being terrifying beings, that didn't stop Sharkscar's fascination with them. Although their mother believed they were to be respected as well, she had the firm belief that Sharkscar's patron would be Ceti, like hers was, surely not a Calamity.

As religious tensions grew high in MarrowClan, Lakefeather was beginning to show her age. She soon became an elder of the clan, finding it hard to get around without assistance -- this led to Sharkscar taking up her shrine duties for the time being. Although respectful of Ceti, believing she was the one to give them life during a blood moon, they felt less and less connected to her. Out of love for Lakefeather, however, they continued.

The night before they were due to receive their warrior names, Houndtooth and Sharkscar had an argument. Houndtooth claimed he was worried about Sharkscar, and how their mother was 'filling their head with lies'. Angered that their best friend would say such a thing about the cat who raised them, Sharkscar grabbed Houndtooth and bit down on his neck hard enough to leave a scar.

After receiving their warrior name -- Sharkscar -- Lakefeather left the den less and less. Sharkscar could feel their mother fading, and deep down, was scared to be alone without the only person they'd ever trusted. The day of Seraphimflame's exile was when Lakefeather passed peacefully in her sleep. Sharkscar hadn't had a chance to even say goodbye, much less pay their respects, before choosing to follow Seraphimflame. They believed it was what their mother would've wanted, but as the journey to ZenithClan continued, they became more and more upset about their mother's death, believing while inevitable, it was unfair she passed before she could travel with them.

Before their departure, Sharkscar encountered Houndtooth again, this time once again defending their mother's wishes. Their choice to go with Seraphimflame was based on her alone, and they already felt guilty for having to leave the place they called home. With tears in Sharkscar's eyes, Houndtooth swore to kill them if he ever saw their face again. With a deep feeling of guilt, they left MarrowClan, never to return.

Upon settling in ZenithClan, Sharkscar stopped worshipping Ceti. It didn't feel right with them, to continue worshipping a patron that wasn't their own. Their mother had filled their head with optimism of Ceti being their patron when they were young, however, and this conflict led them to believe they had failed her. They weren't as kind and loving as her; they had given up on trying to be either of those things after leaving Houndtooth, choosing instead to only persevere.

Sharkscar soon requested for the Sacrament of Apotheosis to be performed on them, despite not being an apprentice, to truly see if the path they had chosen to take was correct for them. Upon recieving Vis as a patron, it seemed to them that their question was answered -- they were nothing like their mother. Not only had they not gotten Ceti, but they had gotten a Calamity as a patron... They often wonder if their mother is disappointed with them.

As of now, Sharkscar is resigned to their fate, choosing to fulfull their duties as a warrior to the best of their ability. They are a loner even in ZenithClan, but will fight fiercely to protect the Clan, as it represents something their mother believed in. They do often travel to Phlegethon Temple to leave offerings for Vis, if only to thank him for giving them strength, and the capacity for brutality. Every few moons, they will leave a small woven trinket of feathers for their mother in Parhelion Temple, silently hoping their mother is happy, wherever she is. They shy away from close relationships, as everything seems to remind them of what they left behind.


  • mother: ⵜlakeshade
  • best friend: houndtooth (formerly)