

barkclan oracle apprentice

AGE 48 moons
ZODIAC sedge, waxing moon
MENTOR dusktooth
a small dilute torbie molly with low white, a long, angular face, and blue eyes.


The world is comprised of intricate webs of patterns all around if only one looks hard enough to find them. Dawnlotus knows this because she herself has the keen eyes and mind to do so—to look at something camouflaged as disorder and emerge moments later knowing the pattern to it, knowing that there’s logic behind it even when there seems to be none. She’s perceptive, methodical, deeply analytical, and she cannot stand anything without what is completely solid and true: fact. Facts provide no possibility of the mortifying ordeal, even a slim one, of being wrong. Intuition and emotion is so fickle, so imprecise; that’s exactly what scares her about them, since there’s so much more room for interpretation and therefore incorrectness.

Being wrong is simply never an option. It’s why she takes information and dwells on it for so long, why she double, triple, quadruple checks her work, and why she has such a tedious mental checklist and routine to every single thing she does. These meticulous procedures are what make her an amazing conductor of research, seeking out the patterns of the world by collecting data and experimenting, and by then repeating that experiment many more times over to ensure its results are completely reliable and can be solidified as fact. She studies and experiments nearly constantly, spurred by an insatiable curiosity for the world around her, and she desires to discover all she can. She knows she’ll never stop.

Her rigorous work ethic and focus is admirable, but is also partially the reason for her being so isolated. She’s no stranger to pulling all-nighters holed up in the Oracle’s den to finish a project that she’s so close to finishing—okay, not really that close, but she just can’t seem to shut her mind off to go to sleep anyways. She spends a lot of her time alone with her projects. She says that she prefers it that way. Dawnlotus is much more inclined to watch and listen than talk, though she’ll share conversation with the few she deems friends, and she avoids many social situations out of the fear that she’ll say something wrong. The chances of saying something wrong are statistically… well, there aren’t any statistics surrounding it because of how much the variables vary and how they can’t be quantified in the first place, which is exactly what’s so horrible about it. Not all interactions, of course! Truthfully, most conversations aren’t so difficult; especially when she’s discussing a topic she likes, she’ll tend to unknowingly ramble if given the chance, even to those she doesn’t know so well. Others, though, mostly the ones where she’s expected to give advice, she only sits and nods and offers the most logical answer she can, which is sometimes… unsatisfactory. BarkClan has gotten the memo by now to go to someone more suited for consulting if they’d like that sort of thing. Dawnlotus is just fine with her data and experiments.

When they do talk, they speak (and think) almost solely in the language of somewhat blunt analytics, and they often disregard emotion and opinion in favor of irrefutable evidence. This isn’t to say that they don’t have emotions or morality, of course; they feel plenty, even lots, but they dismiss those emotions because she has little idea of how to really deal with them. She can read others rather expertly, surprisingly—it’s a series of patterns, after all, like their body language and the words they choose—but she has no idea of what the next step is after identifying the emotions. When dealing her own emotions, too, she’ll identify them, then rationalize them instead of actually experiencing them because of her obsession with awareness and control.


Dawnkit was born in BarkClan alongside a brother, Duskkit. It was quickly learned that Duskkit was sensitive to death and developed headaches when someone passed—though they looked random at first, the mystery was eventually solved and attributed to an ancestor of theirs, Nightfeather, who could predict deaths (unwillingly). Dawnkit, on the other hand, possessed nothing of the sort—understandable, since the phenomenon hadn’t been seen in the family since Nightfeather—but was quite the odd kit even without that. She developed her tendency to isolate after her youth, so she wasn’t such a loner, though she did prefer to just stick by her brother… especially since he could do most of the talking for her.

She became a warrior apprentice and was quite fine at it. She excelled at the medicinal part of training, the first aid and basic medicine that’s required of them to learn, and was relatively average at the rest of it. It simply didn’t interest her. It didn’t stimulate her mind nearly enough, though it made her body ache plenty. She eventually became a warrior, earning the name Dawnlotus.

It took a long time for her to get where she is now as an Oracle’s apprentice. It’s even funnier to her that her brother became a warrior too at first, but here he is, the Head Oracle and her mentor. She sometimes pokes good fun at this, saying to Dusktooth “yes sir!” over her shoulder or saluting him with a paw—she’s always lacked less humor with him.

She’s happy where she is now. She’s free to research the topics she wants to research, to discover what she wants to discover; namely, she’s interested in plant ecology, phytopathology, plant grafting, carnivorous plants, psychology, and the physiology of cats. Who knows what’ll catch her eye next?


  • parents: littlefish, darksong
  • sibling: dusktooth