

zenithclan warrior

AGE 19 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS nonbinary (she/they)
ZODIAC asphodel, supermoon
PATRON leporis
a petite, seal and flame mink with white patches, faint spots and dull, powder blue eyes; She has deep scars on their side, and left eye.


Dowitcherchirp is a creature of silence, with little words to say, it is a wonder if you ever get them to elaborate on anything, or even get her to answer at all…

But aside from her quietness, time spent with Dowitcherchirp can be surprisingly pleasant! Far more happy to listen, the small tortie serves well as a vault, holding any secrets that you might have, and burying deep, deep under… just make sure to not get on their bad side, they have very little hesitation in using anything as blackmail.

There’s small lapses in time in which one might find Dowitcherchirp vulnerable, with the nightmares that so often plague her waking her up at the dead of night, leaving behind any inhibitions from sharing about themselves.


Born in a dense forest far from the clans, Empyrean’s start in life was less than kind, with two loner parents, Atlas and Hesperis. The first two moons of life were the most comfort the kit would know, for as soon as Hesperis didn’t need to nurse them anymore, all that care was pulled from underneath them.

If anything, at least Atlas’ training prepared Empyrean for the life that would follow, day and night, with mistake after mistake, Empyrean learned and… Atlas was a decent father, they had bonded, and… And Empyrean liked him, Empyrean liked having a father, they enjoyed having someone to rely on when Hesperis was far too busy hunting and ensuring that their tiny territory was safe.

Once leafbare hit, everything changed.

Leafbare had begun normal, less prey yes, but it was still there, but half-way through it seemed like nature was trying its hardest to make sure that the three wouldn’t see spring.

At last, Empyrean had found a mouse, tiny and scrawny and barely anything but it was food, and it was food she needed, they didn’t wait, digging into their prey with fervor before he found them.

Atlas wanted the food, and no longer was the warmth that once laid on his eyes, instead replaced by sharp claws and a hissing mouth, he started out nice enough, trying to convince Empyrean to give him what was left of the prey, to simply walk away from it with a belly half-full, but– but it was hers.

It happened far too fast, and if they’re being honest, they can barely even remember what exactly happened, all they know is that they were too slow to initially protect themselves, but not enough for him to dig his teeth into their throat.

They still remember how he looked, eyes glossing over as the last sight he had was a near replica of his mate with his blood on their paws, and injuries that he had inflicted on them.

At the age of eight moons, Empyrean left their home, leaving behind a mother, a body and a mouse.

They spent moons traveling, their little knowledge over herbs leaving them with an eye that barely worked, and scars, which would have normally faded, refused to leave their pelt unmarked.

Atlas wasn’t the last blood they would spill, and while they didn’t like it (and she still doesn't, she truly hopes that she doesn’t need to spill more again), she only did so when it was necessary.

The trek through the mountains was hard, and it was even harder to traverse the unknown territory, but… They felt a pull, bringing them deeper and deeper, until they found ZenithClan

Leaving behind their old name, Empyrean is now known as Dowitcherchirp, they have promised that ZenithClan will be the home they will protect as they feel indebted to Seraphimstar, he let them into his clan, so as much as they might not be used to being around other cats, they’ll suck it up and help as much as she’s able.


  • father: atlas
  • mother: hesperis