Seraphimstar ┄ a tall, lithe chocolate and cream chimera with piercing eyes. He wears a crown of thorns, has a long, serpentine tail, and various scars that resemble stigmata.
Sproutpaw ┄ a large yet scrawny apprentice with tattered, patchy, red and white fur.
Choirpaw ┄ a small, lithe calico she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Shrinechaser ┄ a charcoal-coloured tabby with a white underbelly, white flecks in his fur, sparse golden markings, and amber eyes.
Edelweiss ┄ a long-furred cream, red tabby and black tricolor molly with periwinkle eyes and a folded ear.
Gildedwing ┄ a dainty bimetallic silver tom with one blue eye, one green eye, and a long, flowing tail.
Honeypaw ┄ a small, narrow, burnished gold lynx-point tom with green-blue eyes.
Sharkscar ┄ a solid black cat with a brown undercoat.
Mumblegoose ┄ a large, stout, fluffy black cat with amber eyes, a round, smooshed face and a half-tail. she wears a blue ribbon and bell around her neck.
Sweetbee ┄ a fluffy golden tabby with yellow eyes.
Wisteriabell ┄ a large dilute calico with teal eyes.
Dowitcherchirp ┄ a scarred, petite, tortie mink with white patches, faint spots, a short tail and blue eyes.
Whalefall ┄ a small grey and silver dappled cat with vitiligo and pale blue eyes.
Nightingaleheart ┄ a long-legged grey and white cat with ruddy markings along her back, blue eyes, and numerous deep scars. her back right leg has limited mobility.
Hemlockleaf ┄ a mostly white molly with a smoky torso, face and front legs. her eyes are very pale shade of heather-blue and she has a short, shaggy tail.
Tinytitan ┄ a monstrously tall, fluffy chocolate calico tom cat with cropped ears. They have blue eyes, prickly fur, and a collection of scars on their face and forepaws.
Houndbloom ┄ a large fluffy calico and white tom with faint tabby markings and green dichroic eyes.