

zenithclan warrior

AGE 38 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS dfab molly (she/they)
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC stoat, supermoon
PATRON orionis
a mostly white molly with a smoky torso, face and front legs. Her eyes are very pale shade of heather-blue and she has a short, shaggy tail.


Unlike her mother, patient is not a word that someone could use to describe Hemlockleaf. Outspoken and intent on being heard, she is unwilling to back down from any challenge. Headstrong and obstinate, Hemlockleaf holds arguing dear to her heart and is more than willing to take it to the next level. She has a very clear line in the sand about how she should be spoken to and how you will speak to her.

However, this is not to say that Hemlockleaf makes herself unbearable, she is enthusiastic and passionate in all that she does. She loves to work, she keeps herself busy and doesn't take breaks. She's confident, hard to deter and she jumps into everything with her best paw forward. Hemlockleaf likes to socialize as well, keen on making new friends, as well as being around old friends.

She's well-spoken and clever, curious and willing to learn. Ever since Hemlockleaf was a kitten, she's been asking questions. She's always wanted to know what, why, when and where. She's always been apt to know how she can help the clan run smoother, quick to pick up tasks and quicker to figure out solutions to problems. However-- she's terribly impatient, unwilling to wait and unwilling to linger. She wants to move now and anyone who suggests she shouldn't is quick to end up on the receiving end of a tongue lashing.

Hemlockleaf holds a strong sense of loyalty which she did inherit from her mother. She's quick to fight on behalf of her clan, her friends, her family. She's the type of cat who stands to injustice without a thought and jumps to defend the cats closest to her. She's a bit... underhanded at times though, willing to do what's necessary to accomplish what she must.


Hemlockkit was born to Saoirse and Finchchirp in Marrowclan, an inquisitive kitten with a natural inclination to learn about the world around her. From the get-go, it was obvious that keeping Hemlockkit in one place was near impossible. She became especially prone to sneaking out of camp, eager to see what the world outside looked like. While she avoided major trouble in her early moons, she would always come back with scuffs and missing bits of fur and despite any scolding she would receive-- her eyes would shine and her voice would tremble with excitement when she told her mother about it.

Eventually Hemlockkit grew out of this, leaning to keep their paws out of unnecessary trouble. They kept themself busy by helping around camp, tending to tasks that apprentices didn't want to do or bringing fresh kill to elders. They grew to love the satisfaction of completing tasks, they didn't like to idle even from an early age. When they were finally apprenticed, this shift in routine suited them just fine and they fell into it with ease.

Hemlockpaw was a good apprentice, she followed rules and she worked hard. She was a promising fighter and a decent hunter, though she still struggled some with her wanderlust. This got the better of her towards the end of her apprenticeship and she took off one night on a little excursion, curious to see how far she could go while still able to find her way back.

The answer was far. The punishment for this traveling was not a scolding from the leader or her mother but rather a surprise meeting with a fox as the sun was coming into the sky. Luckily for Hemlockpaw, she was on her way back to Marrowclan. Unluckily for Hemlockpaw, she would wind up in a brief tiff with the creature that would end in her tail getting mangled by it's snapping jaws. Hemlockpaw stumbled back to camp but the damage to their tail was too great and it was removed. This did not entirely help the infection which landed her in the oracle den for about a moon and prolonged her apprenticeship. Once she was free to leave, she continued her training without complaint. She earned the name Hemlockleaf and fell into warriorship without issue.

She continued without issue for quite some time, somewhat off-put by the growing tensions between her parents but otherwise content to live her life unbothered. The battle of Stars Fall would bring her in direct conflict with her mother's sibling, a fight that would nearly end in her death-- if not for her mother. Saoirse would jump to her defense, killing her own sibling to save her kitten. Hemlockleaf never forgot this.

When her parents split and Saoirse made it clear that she intended to join Zenithclan, Hemlockleaf fell behind her without a second thought. Though she struggles to believe as much as her clan mates, she's found the transition surprisingly easy.


  • parents: saoirse, finchchirp
  • siblings: campionstar (half), grizzlyroar (half)