

zenithclan warrior

AGE 18 moons
SEXUALITY pansexual
ZODIAC wolf, blood moon
a large, stout, fluffy black cat with amber eyes, a round, smooshed face and a half-tail. She wears a blue ribbon and bell around her neck.


Anything but your typical Wolf zodiac, Mumblegoose has a very jumpy and anxious disposition. She’s a scaredy cat, to be more precise. They are always fretting over something, it seems, muttering quietly under their breath about whatever it is they’re worried about at the current moment. They’re always telling themself that things are fine, though they may very well may not be. A little positive reinforcement never hurts anybody, right? However, she is greatly in tune with her feelings and isn’t afraid to confide in those she trusts with them. It’s never good to hold it all in; so she lets it out with all her heart- whether good or bad, she has nothing to hide. She’s honest to a fault and has an intense need to please those around her, which leads to her working hard to do so. No task is too small, especially when it comes to helping out someone she likes! Under it all, their is a determination in her that hides itself very well behind her docile nature. No one would know from the outside looking in, but once she sets her mind to something, there’s often no turning back. She’s loyal, intensely so, and won’t forsake a bond easily (if at all) once forged. Be it for wheel or woe, she is in it for the long haul. She’ll move mountains for the ones she loves and those she considers friends, no task is too big, nor too small. Now if only she could stop jumping at her own shadow…. Then you’d see…..


Born into the life of a Kittypet, Mumblegoose, then just Mumble, was the largest of a litter of five. However, it was always very clear she was more timid than her litter mates, less eager to get out into the big wide world. She clung close to her mother and father, always right under paw. When she was old enough, however, her housefolk would find her a new home. Well, it didn’t feel like home to Mumble. Nope. Felt like baby jail but this time there was no mom or dad to hide behind. She was in totally new territory. Her world grew about 50 sizes that day. And it would continue to grow, whether she liked it or not! Her housefolk were the nomadic type, always traveling and bringing her along with them on the trips! It was one way to face your fears of the outside world, at least! And how could you stay scared for long when you weren’t even gonna have long to be scared before you moved again? At least that’s how she began to see it. And despite her anxieties about being somewhere completely new, she did find herself enamored with the sky, particularly at night. She didn’t see it very often, being from the city. The sight took her breath away, drawing her out into the world she so feared, like something was calling out to her, like a friend was calling out to her. Well, her paws led her far from the safety of her camp, that was for sure! So far, in fact, that she became lost in the dark woods. She was way in over her head, but somehow, be it the stars or through her own might, Mumble would travel through the mountains. The journey was tough, mind you, but whenever she felt turned around or hopeless, she would always feel something- or someone, perhaps- guiding her paws back to the path she was set upon.

Often she SWORE she saw a large, white cat just beyond her vision. And for some reason, she wasn’t afraid. She was, in fact, comforted in knowing that she wasn’t alone. Without even realizing it, she had overcome her fears, taught herself how to live and did her best to be brave! Despite all the odds, her paws would lead her to what she would discover was clan territory and ultimately, she would find herself wiggling her way into ZenithClan.


  • parents: jerome, candy corn
  • siblings: chad, the thing, pinwheel, baby shark