

zenithclan warrior

AGE 87 moons
ZODIAC wolf/sbane, blood moon
a long-legged grey and white cat with ruddy markings along her back, blue eyes, and numerous deep scars. her back right leg has limited mobility.


Saoirse, more formally known as Nightingaleheart, is a soft spoken molly with a soothing but melancholy nature. She is a skilled warrior, especially when it comes to hunting, and though her ideas might not match up with others' at all times, she will still for the most part do what is asked of her, so long as it doesn't cross with her morals. She avoids becoming involved in fights unless completely necessary. Saoirse isn't one to start arguments, but will certainly end them.

Imperturbable and patient, Saoirse doesn't have the malice towards other clans that her clanmates might. She finds it hard not to sympathize with those who have made "wrong" choices along the way. She might not support them, however she seems to have an understanding of those others might consider in the wrong. This does not mean she doesn't have morals, or that she thinks all cats are infallible, she will of course draw the line at extreme crimes. If she sees injustice, she will act in opposition to it, however she might approach the offender with an opportunity for a second chance rather than an "eye for an eye" mentality. She does not strictly believe the warrior code is to be followed word for word.

Saoirse is first and foremost loyal to her family, by blood or otherwise. She has friends throughout all three clans, and she holds the belief that clan borders are something that should not exist, or at least be more lax. Many clan rules and traditions seem silly to her, however she also finds many endearing, such as her warrior name that she uses for special occasions and ceremonies.

She was never especially devout until the idea of Zenithclan began to form. When it came down to being assigned her patron, she was quite surprised when she was told the oracle of the Dark Forest Hyd had chosen her to be her devout. Saoirse grew to accept and respect her patron, though she wonders why she was chosen despite having renounced the Dark Forest in the past. She honors her patron by decorating her pelt in bones, if only to respectfully ask her to keep her distance from her clan mates. She also often gives favor to Lunae, whom she feels more spiritually aligned to.


Saoirse was born outside of the clans, on land that now belongs to Zenithclan. Her father Ruairi, was the descendent of house cats that had journeyed from across the mountains. He raised Saoirse and her sister, Maeve, on stories of their forefather's former lives. The family moved around quite a bit, but always made sure to steer clear of clan territory at all times. Ruairi taught his kits that the clans were dangerous. They lived a relatively easy life, with their father teaching them how to hunt and to defend themselves.

[TW: Light description of gore]

When the siblings were 18 moons old, Ruairi had another kit he named Declan. Only two moons later, the cave the family had been residing in was ambushed by a pair of coyotes. Saoirse was able to get the attention of the coyotes and took off into the mountains with them in pursuit. She wasn't sure how long she ran for, eventually the coyotes caught up to her. They tore at her fur, Saoirse was confident she would die when she felt her back leg snap in the coyote's jaw.

In what Saoirse would swear was a miracle, a large group of cats swooped in just as she began to lose hope. The strangers sent the coyotes running in a flurry of claws and teeth. Saoirse was quick to try to flee, however the strange cats urged her to follow them back to their camp to receive medical attention. Saoirse, realizing she could hardly stand, told the clan cats of her family that was waiting for her back in the cave. She lost consciousness as she watched a pair of warriors take off into the mountains to find them.

When she regained consciousness in the Marrowclan Oracle's den, she was told by her very injured father that he and Maeve had managed to protect Declan when the coyotes had come to find them, however Maeve had succumbed to her injuries before help had arrived.

The family became members of Marrowclan after Scorpionstar had offered them permanent residence. Saorise was uncertain at first, still to a lesser extent than Ruairi. Ultimately they recognized that it was safer for Declan to be raised with much more support than two heavily injured cats.

Saoirse was given the name Nightingaleheart as she began her training to become a warrior. Though she appreciated her warrior name, she continued to use her former name more often than not. Even fully healed, Saoirse never regained full mobility of her back right leg. Ruairi distanced himself from the clan, even refusing to take a warrior name, not even as a formality as Saoirse had. He stayed in the clan solely for the benefit of his kits. Saoirse on the other hand assimilated quite well into clan life, even Declan enjoyed being around other kits their age.

She discovered the reason for her father's estrangement from the clan cats at the night of her first gathering. Ruairi had advised that Saoirse remain at camp, reasoning that it might not be safe to interact with Barkclan, whom Marrowclan was currently at war with. Saoirse went anyway, and while at the gathering met a Barkclan warrior she bore a striking resemblance to. Saoirse had always suspected that her other parent may have been a clan cat, and after a brief, somewhat awkward conversation with a cat named Freckleeye she realized her suspicion had been correct. Both Freckleeye and Saoirse agreed to keep this knowledge a secret, however they parted on good terms and would often meet at the border to catch up over the following moons, during which they formed a close relationship.

When Declan reached 6 moons, Nightingaletrill was considered a full warrior and had garnered the respect of quite a few of her clan mates. She was made her younger sibling's mentor. During their apprentice ceremony, Declan was given the name Magpiepaw. Magpiepaw had grown to be an admirer of Scorpionstar, and very involved in the war against Barkclan. Saoirse did her best to guide her sibling in the right direction, but by the time their apprenticeship had ended, and they earned the name Magpiecatcher, they were entrenched in their hatred towards Barkclan. Even with Stars Fall under Marrowclan control and Scorpionstar dead, Magpiecatcher refused to listen to reason.

After Genetstar's death, Saoirse felt sympathy towards Greystar. From her perspective, he never asked to be in the leadership position, and while she was well aware of the cats around her that plotted against him, she minded her business and carried on providing as best she could for the clan. In the moon following Genetstar's death, at the battle at Star's Fall, Ruairi was killed. Saoirse, in her grief, considered defecting to Barkclan to be with Freckleeye, however as far as she knew, Magpiecatcher still did not know the truth of their parentage, and she thought it would be unfair to leave Marrowclan without him, especially when he still needed guidance.

As turmoil with Barkclan continued, Saoirse stayed out of battles where she could. Mid leaf-bare, Magpiecatcher went missing. A patrol found his body outside of clan territory with deep claw marks around his throat. There was no traceable evidence to say who or what they had fought with, and the true circumstances of his death remained a mystery. Saoirse was heartbroken over Magpiecatcher's death. Several moons after their body was discovered, she began to have strangely vivid dreams about Magpiecatcher, during which they would train and fight with each other. Saoirse didn't get an inkling of what was truly happening during these dreams until Magpiecatcher happened to mention Freckleeye had been missing since their death, then the next gathering another Barkclan cat had told her Freckleeye had indeed been missing for a couple of moons.

Saoirse confronted Magpiecatcher during her next dream. Initially her sibling brushed her off and claimed he had no idea what she was talking about, but after some pushing he snapped at her, asking her how dare she keep the truth of their parentage a secret. They told Saoirse that they had killed Freckleeye. She insisted that whatever was going on, she wanted nothing more to do with it, however Magpiecatcher ignored her and the dreams continued.

During this time, Saoirse developed a romantic relationship with another Marrowclan warrior, Finchchirp. Following the split between Finchchirp and her husband, Manzanitathorn, Finchchirp had sought comfort in Saoirse, and in return Saoirse felt a bit less lonely in the company of the molly. The pair had a kit together, Hemlockkit. Saoirse took to motherhood like a fish to water, and she loves nothing more than spending time with her new little family.

Her dreams of Magpiecatcher culminated several moons later when it was revealed what the dreams had truly been for. Saoirse was disappointed in Magpiecatcher, and demanded that he leave her alone. Magpiecatcher threatened Saoirse's family, which made her lunge at them, however she abruptly woke up in her nest, claws clasped around her bedding rather than her sibling's throat.

In the moons leading up to the Battle of the Stars, Saoirse spent every moment she wasn't hunting or patrolling with her family. She noticed Finchchirp become more distant from their family and more focused on Campionblaze, as her other son had become deputy. Saoirse and Finchchirp had several disagreements, some of which happened in front of Hemlock, though it never escalated to anything incredibly serious.

Much to Saoirse's relief, Magpiecatcher seemed to heed her wishes and left her alone as the battle drew closer. Saoirse remained in camp during the initial battle between Marrowclan and Barkclan at Stars Fall, however she rushed to join the fight after the sky shattered. Upon arrival, she saw her daughter Hemlockleaf locked in battle with Magpiecatcher. Saoirse knocked her sibling off of their paws, pleading them to stop. He didn't listen, lunging once again at Hemlockleaf. Saoirse struggled for a short time with him, before ultimately getting the upper hand and killing him.

The guilt weighed heavily on Saoirse. She knew if she hadn't done anything, Hemlockleaf may have died, however she felt as though there was something more she could have done, maybe she had gone wrong somewhere during Magpie's apprenticeship. In the end the guilt was outweighed by the relief that her family was safe.

Following the battle, Saoirse foolishly expected a time of peace between the clans, after having fought through such an event together. Though she had never been a particularly religious cat up to this point, the events of the battle opened her eyes. Upon learning of the new members of the pantheon, Saoirse felt as those these beings had to be something more than just lesser daemons as the oracles had suggested. She began to discuss this with members of her clan, and eventually members of Barkclan as well. Saoirse found peace in this union between the two clans. Finchchirp, however, was not pleased when she found out about her mate's beliefs. This disagreement was the final wedge between the two which led to their split.

When Seraphimflame was banished, Saoirse left Marrowclan along with Hemlockleaf. She is optimistic of what is to come in Zenithclan.


  • parents: ruairi, freckleeye
  • siblings: maeve, magpiecatcher
  • apprentices: magpiecatcher, mumblegoose
  • mate: finchchirp (former)
  • kits: hemlockleaf