

zenithclan warrior

AGE 30 moons
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC asphodel, waning moon
PATRON orionis
a fluffy golden tabby with yellow eyes.


Sweetbee feels she is, and always has been, awfully lucky. This has resulted in a cat confident in her decision to follow whatever curious opportunity presents itself to her. She plays the cards she is dealt most often with a shrug and a smile.


Bee was born a wanderer into a small litter. Her mother imparted upon her and her littermates the basic knowledge every cat ought to know such as hunting and self defense. By the time 6 moons had passed, Bee's mother trusted her to take to exploring on her own.

In her travels, she encountered all kinds of interesting cats. Swapping stories, sharing experiences and skills, all of it had Bee feeling like she was on the verge of something.

Then she came across the zodiac clans. Though it hadn't been the first time she'd encountered a colony, or even something like it. Bee, as always, wanted to know more. She spent moons on the outskirts of the Marrowclan and Barkclan territories, often waiting hours for a cat to happen upon her in hopes to learn more.

As it became clear to her that neither Marrowclan nor Barkclan were her speed, a new clan emerged. It looked to be just the right place for someone like herself. She took the name Sweetbee shortly after.


  • parent: foxglove
  • siblings: hedgehog, clover