

zenithclan warrior

AGE 48 moons
GENDER/PRONOUNS dfab molly (she/her)
ZODIAC sundew, lunar eclipse
PATRON orionis
PLAYED BY pepper
a large dilute calico with teal eyes.

Rosy patches break up the leaden grays and snowy whites of her lengthy, silken fur. Her pelt is kept immaculately clean and well-groomed, retaining a healthy sheen and delicate softness about it. In contrast to her otherwise luxuriously fluffy pelt, her tail is thin and whip-like, ending in a downy tuft. Beneath her fur lies a decently muscled and blissfully unscarred frame. Her smug disposition and sly expressions constantly make her appear as though she’s just unearthed some scandalous secret.


Wisteriabell is, essentially, just a socialite trapped within a cat’s body. Prim and proper, cold and cunning, and born of what she and her family perceive to be excellent breeding, Wisteriabell is a cat who exudes an air of poise and regality. She is well-spoken and well-versed in the complexities of social graces, knowing precisely how to charm or shame a cat into getting what she wants. She is a snake within the grass, and bears a smile that conceals the most venomous of fangs. Though, despite her true nature, she tries to remain at least somewhat polite in her daily interactions. Doing so both maintains her meticulously crafted image, and makes her appear better than those who might unleash their tempers against her.

Conversations are often something of a game to her. Needling remarks, backhanded compliments, or outright insults veiled beneath silken words often fall from her lips. Her convolution extends far beyond the spoken word; her body language and expression generally send off confusing signals as well. All of this, of course, is maintained whilst she still makes herself out to be the better cat, or perhaps the poor victim. Whatever role might garner her the most benefit, might conceal the rot that lies beneath her pristine exterior, is the one she’ll strive to slip into.

Her more unpleasant behavior is reigned in when it comes to ZenithClan’s denizens. For all her snootiness, she does still care for the Clan as a whole, even if she’d gladly detail the flaws of any given clanmate, prompted or otherwise. She views herself as a figure of great importance, and her involvement in something quite revolutionary has only bolstered that mindset. This egotistical approach of hers has left her feeling as though menial tasks are beneath her, and something not worth dirtying her paws over.

She embodies her Zodiac quite well, and is undeniably pleased by this fact.


TW for parental abuse, illness, drowning, violence and death

Wisteriakit was born to Scarletblossom and Umberthroat of BarkClan, alongside her sister, Crystalkit. They were preceded by a previous litter: an elder brother and sister, named Slatepool and Ploverfall, respectively.

The sisters were granted a privileged upbringing, albeit one with high expectations for cats so young. Perfect manners, stellar performance — the works; all of this was required of them nearly as soon as they could toddle about. Perfection was expected; love was to be earned. They existed within a gilded cage of sorts.

Wisteriakit and Crystalkit were sometimes made to train prior to being properly apprenticed. On occasion, their older siblings would get involved. Ploverfall, being much kinder and far less talented than her kin, made for a gentle, unchallenging teacher. The same could not be said for Slatepool, who, unlike his own littermate, did not crumble beneath the pressure set by their parents. If he was made to meet these expectations, then his sisters would as well.

By their parents’ request, Wisteriapaw was apprenticed to Scarletblossom, while Crystalpaw was apprenticed to Umberthroat. The ever-heighting expectations of their parents were met, but the relationships between the family began to worsen as a result.

Their apprenticehoods passed by as normally as they could, and they were promoted without issue. Nothing particularly noteworthy happened for some time, save for the eventual and successful training of Wisteriabell’s own apprentice, Doeprance.

As ZenithClan began to develop, Wisteriabell saw an opportunity to make a name for herself, intrigued mostly in part by her own selfish motives. Once the Clan was fully realized and renamed, she was eager to integrate herself into it in full. Some unfortunate thorns had been firmly lodged into her side, however.

Fueled by her resentment towards her kin, and her desire to have a clean break into ZenithClan’s graces, she began to pick off her family members, expertly utilizing the deadly stealth and skill her mother had drilled into her.

Ploverfall was the first to be slain. Always eager to please and connect with her family, the older molly was easy to lure out of camp under the guise of a leisurely stroll. Joyfully picking a lily at her sister’s request, she was made to ingest a portion of the toxic flower. Ploverfall had never quite developed the affinity for plants that BarkClan was known for, and so she remained entirely unaware of the fatal trap she’d been led into. Illness befell her over the course of several days, and she eventually passed into StarClan’s borders.

Slatepool was her next target, having been urged into going on something of an unofficial patrol with his sister. She ambushed him once they were far enough from camp, and near some sort of predator’s den that had been scouted out at an earlier date. Since Wisteriabell had been granted the element of surprise, she managed to dispel her brother without significant issue. Once she’d confirmed that he was dead, she mangled his body further, making it appear as though the nearby beast had taken hold of him.

She’d attempted to lure her father on the patrol as well, though he had been caught up with some tasks when she’d asked. Umberthroat had promised to catch up with their patrol a bit later though, not wanting to miss out on an opportunity to gloat over the warriors his kits had been molded into. By some gloriously sick twist of fate, his delayed involvement ended up working out entirely in Wisteriabell’s favor. The scent of Slatepool’s spilled blood was enough to lure out the Vague Predator(™) that resided nearby. As Umberthroat finally made his arrival, he came face to face with both his son’s body and a vicious beast. Caught up in his shock, anger, and grief, he made for easy prey. Wisteriabell watched the carnage unfold from a safe distance before taking her leave. A patrol found the two bodies later on in the day, their deaths having quickly been attributed to the Spooky Scary Creature(™).

Scarletblossom was the last to fall, after enduring the misery of watching her princely family crumble. The matriarch and her youngest kit trekked out to a nearby stream, intent on grieving in their usual detached manner. After giving her freakish villain monologue, Wisteriabell lashed out at her mother, slamming Scarletblossom’s head against the rocky shore. Looking on with bitter satisfaction, she watched as her dazed mother drowned within the shallow water’s edge.

A greater sense of understanding existed between the youngest sisters than with their other kin, and so Crystalwind easily took notice of the subtle changes in her littermate’s behavior. Ploverfall’s death had clued her in, and Slatepool and Umberthroat’s deaths had confirmed the suspicion that had been growing within her mind. Understanding did not equal closeness, and she held little doubt that Wisteriabell’s claws would be turned her way sooner or later. Thus, she fled the Clan on the night her brother and father were declared dead, leaving behind her mate, Typhooncrash, without so much as a warning. She was not so much attempting to preserve her own life as she was Typhooncrash’s. Were they both to flee, Wisteriabell would surely hunt the both of them down. But if Typhooncrash were to remain within BarkClan, reeling with grief but blissfully unaware of Wisteriabell’s actions, then surely she’d be left unharmed. Crystalwind maintains the belief that she’d be able to handle Wisteriabell on her own, anyhow.

Due to the confusion and hectic nature of the time, and the family’s cold, isolated existence, Wisteriabell’s involvement within her family’s deaths went unnoticed. If any suspicion towards her existed, it could not be easily proven. Thus, she was freely able to play the part of a grieving daughter and sister. Crystalwind, on the other hand, having disappeared without a word on the night of her father and brother’s deaths, was cast under far more suspicion. At least in the eyes of those who do not believe her to be dead alongside her family.

Wisteriabell moved to ZenithClan shortly thereafter, painting her abandonment of BarkClan as something borne of her grief. Her faux reasoning was simple enough, and seemingly backed up by previous events: BarkClan had failed her entire family and gotten them killed. It would be foolish of her to lounge around and let BarkClan kill her, too.

In the present day, she is quite pleased with the life she has carved out for herself. The issue of her sister is something that she intends to sort out soon, though. as rumors of Crystalwind’s reappearance are beginning to flitter about. A plan befitting her nature has begun to brew within her mind, and she has no issue enacting it if she must.


  • parents: scarletblossom, umberthroat
  • siblings: crystalwind, ploverfall, slatepool
  • mentor: scarletblossom
  • apprentices: doeprance, open