

zenithclan leader

AGE 24 moons
SEXUALITY bisexual
ZODIAC wolf, blood moon
PATRON leporis
APPRENTICE sproutpaw
A tall, lithe chocolate and cream chimera with piercing eyes. He wears a crown of thorns, has a long, serpentine tail, and various scars that resemble stigmata.


Passion is easily one of Seraphimstar’s most defining characteristics, which is putting it plainly. He is a being driven by his deep and unending love, for the gods, for his clan, for his family. He is driven by his convictions so viciously, so fervently, that they are often all consuming within his mind. Devotion to his path, to his destiny to walk among daemons, to tread where none have before, he swears he will not be shaken from this goal. He is blazing his own path, hoping others will follow. He hopes his glow can be a beacon for those who are feeling lost. For those who feel they have no one and nothing. He will give all he has and then find some more, often leaving himself spread thin.

He is bound to his word, always working to uphold what it is he promises those around him- whether with love or venom. He is not one to make idle threats, but the ones he does make…. You’d best bet he can act on them. Words are something Seraphimstar wields well, having always been a convincing and confident speaker of his heart, of his thoughts. He isn’t afraid to make his mind known, at least in matters of the clan and those beyond their newfound borders.

In matters of the heart, however, Seraphimstar is a very closed off cat- ever the hard egg to crack. He would sooner put the whole world before himself before ever voicing his woes or personal troubles. It’s hard for him to be open, even with the one who raised them, simply wanting to take care of the problems of others. This is part of what makes it so hard for Seraphimstar to truly find someone to commit his heart to. Love has give and take…. You need to share in the highs and lows, but this is not how the leader of ZenithClan wishes to love.

His faith also plays a large role in his sordid love life- struggling with his devotion to the gods, to the ones who raised him upon high and put their trust in him…. Would it not be a slight to turn his gaze away from their divine glow? Would it be selfish? Would it be wrong?

He hopes that one day he will know the answers….. or at least find them easier to live by. For now, he accepts that love is perhaps something he isn’t meant to have for himself, but to foster for others.


Seraphim was born outside of the clans, abandoned by parents he never needed to know, and brought into MarrowClan. He was adopted by Stormpetal and raised alongside the many other kits in the nursery. As soon as he began walking, he took to exploring inside the camp’s walls, but dreaming of the places beyond. He was always one to listen to the elder’s stories, the legends of the gods and tales of adventure. They would satisfy him for the time being.

His dreams were always very important to him, like tiny treasures he held in his heart each day when he awoke. They were always so very vivid- visions of great cats who smoldered with powers he couldn’t even fully begin to comprehend. They were always leading him somewhere…. Treading different paths, but arriving in the same places each time. These dreams always left him feeling a sense of purpose, but one that, as a kit, he couldn’t yet divine. But the hushed whispers of the daemons, of the stories the elders would tell only when he pleaded, those stuck with him most.

When he became an apprentice under Campionstar, his dreams only grew larger, wilder, but so did his longing for adventure, for freedom! Campionstar was a great teacher to him and it was easy to see that Seraphimpaw cared very deeply for their mentor. He shared all his dreams, all his thoughts, all his questions. And Campionstar only fostered a greater sense of duty and family in the young cat. Though, as Seraphimpaw grew more and more, his questions about the daemons began to be met with the glint of suspicion….. perhaps even disappointment. At least that’s what it seemed like to Seraphimpaw. Where his interests had once been encouraged and met with pride… now they were met with disapproval, at least from Campionstar. This drove a considerable wedge between the formerly close pair.

Luckily, he had a great deal of friends to lean on, to share his thoughts with in hushed voices late at night in the apprentices’ den. He told stories and fables that had come to him in dreams, repeated the tales the elders told. He always found great joy in this and with his fellows’ support, it only encouraged him to continue.

During this time, he grew incredibly close with Beastpaw, finding common ground in the fact that both of them came from beyond the clans. Where Seraphim tempered Beastpaw’s rebelliousness, Beastpaw encouraged Seraphimpaw’s impulsive and whimsical fantasies. The two often snuck out of camp late at night to run beneath Lunae’s watchful eyes.

All the while, Seraphimpaw was leaving small shrines for the daemons- even the ones that BarkClan worshipped- all over the territory. They would ultimately be smashed and destroyed, but it only made him more determined to continue his secret rebellion.

When they became warriors together with Beastfang, Seraphimflame, named for his burning and blazing intensity, couldn’t have been happier for the newfound freedom he had earned. He would go on to explore his interest, now turning faith, in the daemons with every pawstep he took. He always felt like they walked beside him, like they watched him, sending him more and more dreams. His stories in the apprentice den would turn to hushed discussions shared under the moon, in the shadowy corners of camp where disapproving ears couldn’t hear. He would foster an interest with those across the border, too, finding kinship with Shrinechaser from BarkClan. As it turned out, he wasn’t the only one who had chosen to let the “lesser” gods into his heart.

It was then he decided to organize meetings with cats from all walks, urging those who had an interest in a new way of thinking, in a new way to worship, to join him in the safety of secrecy. The meetings would grow by the night, by leaps and bounds.

The bonds between these cats would grow so strong, they felt more and more like family…. Even more than most of the faces he had grown up alongside in MarrowClan. This feeling of disconnect and malcontent only quickened the seed of Seraphimflame’s devotion to the daemons, to the “clan” he was making with those of like minds. He would be quick to openly dismiss and disobey Campionstar, often out of spite. He would not be so easily cowed by the cat who he had once considered a father. No. Now Campionstar was less like family… and more a stranger. He saw every punishment as a challenge, every lecture as penance for his freedom. Sacrifices were necessary, and he was glad to make them if it meant that the others around him would be blameless.

He readily let himself become the prodigal son of MarrowClan, the pariah of the ‘holier than thou’.

It would all come to a head in what would result in Seraphimflame’s public exile. He was banished from MarrowClan, cast out by the very cat who once looked upon him with pride. So easily discarded- all because he dared to speak his mind, to do as he was always told- to be himself. Apparently this wasn’t the ‘individuality’ that MarrowClan had meant. So, after declaring himself finally free, Seraphimflame turned his eyes to the many who had joined him, who had placed their trust in him to carry their secrets, their wishes. He invited them to join him- to which many familiar faces flocked to his sides. Those that stayed behind, that supported his exile, he turned his heart to thorns. The gods had made it clear that this was what he had been born to do, the Tom swearing he felt them beside him as he turned away from the clan who had turned their backs on him.

He swore he’d show them all the strength of his conviction. During this time, the meetings continued under the name of SplinterClan, but slowly.It became a something so much more. ZenithClan would be born after a short moon, with those who had ties to BarkClan also flocked to Seraphimflame’s little group by the seaside. Seraphimstar, while ambitious, did not expect to be chosen for leader. He had never expected the honor of serving these cats who had so willingly followed him into the unknown.

When he received his nine lives, with the very daemons he had dreamt of all his life in attendance, he felt he could do anything. He could feel it. This was and always had been…. His destiny. They had trusted him to do right by them, by the very stars, Sun and moon. He would not fail. He couldn’t. He would announce that the gods had given their blessings, had given their power, to bring this group together.

Seraphimstar would choose Elysiumtrance as his deputy and happily welcomed a plethora of oracles into his midst. He values Shrinechaser’s words of wisdom, and finds camaraderie in Elysiumtrance’s presence.

Though he is young and full of the ego of youth, he realizes just how much he has to prove in the coming moons. He will die as many times as it takes to make this place home for his cats.


  • parent: stormpetal
  • friends: gildedlily, baneberrybloom, butterflyheart, edelweiss, sharkscar
  • enemies: beastfang, campionstar, candlenight
  • mentor: campionstar
  • apprentices: baneberrybloom, sproutpaw