

zenithclan apprentice

AGE 6 moons
ZODIAC wolf, blood moon
PATRON undecided
MENTOR seraphimstar
a large yet scrawny apprentice with tattered, patchy, red and white fur. their right ear is bent, and their eyes are dichromatic green with reflective red pupils. their jaw is twisted, causing a single large fang to 'sprout' from the bottom right side.


+ Hard-Working, Creative, Protective, Compassionate, Loyal

- Anxious, Insecure, Pushover, Gullible, Perfectionist

[Tw, sibling/kit death, emotional manipulation]

Sproutpaw is the quiet, sensitive sort of cat, preferring to keep to themselves out of sight and hopefully out of mind when it comes to being social. Its not that they dislike the cats around them, no... they truly do look up to most members of their clan, and aspire to be as strong and respected as a warrior as they can- they have to be!

...Its just that their parents put so much pressure on them to be something great, to prove they're worth leaving everything behind! So much so that its hard to do ANYTHING they consider 'right' without paling beneath their impossibly high expectations!

Being the only one of their litter to survive to apprenticeship, they are constantly reminded that the near full-brunt of their lineage is on their shoulders! It doesn't help that their mother, Silkstep is incredibly overbearing- nitpicking every little thing they do to 'save face', leaving their social skills to wilt along with what little confidence they try to build.

And their father, Redglare... he wants them to succeed more than anything else, even more than they do.

Regardless of that, they care deeply for the other cats around them, and often go out of their way to help out in anything they can.. even if its just the little things. Despite their aversion towards socialization they will always lend an ear should they find someone in need of it.

Having roots in Barkclan, they have a great love and curiosity of plants- and often leave little trinkets of dried and woven flowers around the camp for others to find.

They're very loyal to those they grow close to, and despite their own lack of confidence- they would likely speak out should they see any of their peers being mistreated.

Given time and maybe a little space, they would surely bloom into a fine, confident warrior.

The seeds are there, all they need is a little time to.. Sprout.


Sprout and their ill fated siblings began their lives just at the beginning of Cycle V, in Barkclan.

Their parents never expected to have kits again, in fact- they never wanted any more to begin with.. their elder brother was bad enough already.. And yet, all actions have consequences..

Unfortunately, Sprout, the runt, was the only one to survive the first moon, leaving their mother to see it as divine punishment for her relationship with a marrowclan cat. Strength was always valued in Barkclan, and to have your weakest outlive the strong and healthy.. it had to be a sign, right?

This all happened around the time Seraphimflame, now Seraphimstar, began to gather the other cats around the northern border to discuss their collective beliefs on the new daemons.

Their parents, Silkstep, a proud Barkclan queen, and Redglare, a well-respected Marrowclan warrior of whom had fallen for eachother many moons earlier found this incredibly convenient. Not only for their shared beliefs but- especially because the tension between their clans had drawn so thin... and there were beginning to be rumors. Who knows what would've happened if their clans found out about their relationship, especially as the struggles between territory persisted... It gave them a very good excuse to see eachother, and check in on the progress of their kits growth

Silkstep coddled Sproutkit as they grew, keeping them at claws reach and effectively controlling their life as they grew older- fearing she might lose her only useful heir. One she could mold in her image, one she could use to climb back up into being a respected member of her clan.. and even worse, they might even begin to question where they came from. The only other cat they were truly able to get 'close' to without her interfering was their elder brother, Ichorburn.. but even then.

But as time marched on, their parent's relationship became harder and harder to hide- and as Sprout grew into their markings, they and other cats alike were beginning to ask Silkstep questions that were getting harder and harder to answer.

They looked just like their father.

When the next meeting came, the two parents knew it was only a matter of time before things went south, leaving them no choice but to decide that if they had to, they would reluctantly leave it all behind- trusting in Seraphim's promise to care for them, and the others not if- but when it all fell apart...

And eventually it did.

A Barkclan cat is killed at the border, and as the moons pass, it only gets worse from there.. Arguing between leaders, hatred between clans- fighting and killing over territory... And then at the peak of it all- Seraphim is cast out of Marrowclan... leaving the others no choice but to follow after him, lest they renounce their new deities.

Their parents were estatic at the change.. at the prospect of a fresh start, but Sprout was terrified! They were leaving the only place and people they knew behind for a new.. everything! And it was scary! Especially for someone who was just about to turn six moons. They'd have to fall tail first into a new apprenticeship, along with an entirely new clan.

And ontop of that? They were just starting to become familiar with their father, Redglare... and the high expectations he had for them to succeed where he couldn't in his old clan.

Their only solace through the whirlwind of events was Ichorflame, he was the one they looked to for comfort during their apprenticeship ceremony, and he would be the one they trusted most as they try to make a life in this strange new clan by the sea.


  • parents: redglare, silkstep
  • siblings: tanglekit, swampkit, ichorflame